
Denture Tips: 5 Ways to Smoothly Adjust

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Denture Tips: 5 Ways to Smoothly Adjust

Nobody grows up thinking about dentures, but sometimes they're necessary when your teeth are unhealthy or severely decayed.

When you require dentures and are missing most or all of your teeth, the transition can be challenging if you're unprepared.

The team at Apex Denture Studio in Yakima and Richland, Washington, offers tips and tools to help you smoothly adjust to dentures in the first few weeks.

Our experienced denturist, Dr. Jason Alsbury, offers various types of dentures to conform to your needs and provides expert care as you get used to the new dentures.

Who needs dentures?

You only have one set of adult teeth, so if they're damaged or severely decayed, a dentist may need to remove them to maintain oral health. If they remove most of your teeth, you may need dentures to help you eat and speak and for your self-confidence.

But why worry about getting dentures? Teeth aren't simply there for cosmetic reasons; they play a large role in the bone health of your jaw. Without some support, you may lose some bone density over time, causing structural problems in your mouth.

There are other reasons you should consider dentures as well. They help with various aspects of your mouth, including:

  • Keeping your cheeks from sagging inward
  • Allowing you to bite and chew food
  • Improving speech
  • Protecting any remaining natural teeth

Various dentures exist, including partial dentures and interim dentures. We choose specific dentures depending on how many teeth you've lost and other personal circumstances. We evaluate your oral health and provide custom dentures for your specific needs.

Five tips for adjusting to dentures

Adjusting to new dentures can be challenging, especially in the first few weeks of wear. It's common to have a few bumps in the road, but there are a few steps you can take to ease into your new dentures, which include the following five strategies:

1. Eat small, soft foods

Eating may be awkward and difficult for the first few days with new dentures. To reduce stress on your mouth and jaw, eat soft foods during the adjustment period. You can also cut food into small pieces to make it easier to chew and swallow.

2. Bite down and swallow before speaking

Speaking with new dentures can be challenging, too. Talking with dentures can be embarrassing, especially if they need to be seated correctly in your mouth.

The easiest way to readjust dentures is to bite down and swallow, which allows the dentures to sit properly in your mouth and help with normal speech.

3. Work your facial muscles

Cheek muscles are a crucial aspect of chewing and swallowing food. Exercising your cheeks in the weeks before getting your dentures helps with eating after you get them.

Strengthening your facial muscles allows you to control chewing and food during the first few weeks of wearing dentures.

4. Try different adhesives

Adhesives and dental creams are sometimes necessary when wearing dentures. Still, you shouldn't use them as a substitute for ill-fitting dentures.

There are various types of adhesives, and trialing a few helps you pick one that's best for your needs and mouth.

5. Talk slowly

It's often difficult to pronounce certain letters while wearing a new set of dentures. They may also click when you speak, so talking slowly helps you get used to the new dentures.

Talking slowly lets your mouth get used to the slight slipping that can occur with new dentures.

What to expect in the first few weeks

Even with the utmost care and taking in the previous tips to adjust your dentures, you'll likely experience a few bumps during the first few weeks with new dentures. Some of the symptoms you may experience include the following:


It's common to have some soreness in your mouth as your soft tissues adjust to the dentures. Sore spots are typically short-lived and go away as your mouth gets used to the feel of dentures.

More saliva

Your mouth produces much more saliva in the first few weeks of having dentures, which is completely normal. As you adjust to the changes, your body slows down saliva production to normal levels.

Varying discomfort

Mild to moderate pain or discomfort isn't unusual after getting new dentures. Each person responds differently to dentures, and the time it takes to eliminate the discomfort also varies.

Discuss any discomfort and concerns with Dr. Alsbury at your follow-up appointment. He can make minor adjustments to ease pain and alleviate sore spots as you adjust to the new dentures.

To schedule an appointment for dentures, call Apex Denture Studio today at one of our conveniently located offices in Yakima or Richland, Washington. You may also request a consultation with Dr. Alsbury on our website.