
What to Expect When Getting Fitted for Dentures

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What to Expect When Getting Fitted for Dentures

Dentures are one of the best ways to replace multiple missing teeth, but you can’t buy them “off the rack.” We create your dentures only after a thorough oral health evaluation and a detailed fitting process to ensure your dentures look, function, and feel as close to natural teeth as possible. 

But if you’ve never experienced a denture fitting, you undoubtedly have questions about what’s involved. 

Jason Alsbury, LD, and our team at Apex Denture Studio walk you through exactly what to expect so you can come prepared.

Do I really need a denture fitting?

Yes, you absolutely need a denture fitting. Dentures aren’t one-size-fits-most, so we need to evaluate your teeth and gums, prepare your mouth, and take accurate measurements to make a perfectly fitting set of dentures. 

What’s involved in a denture fitting?

During your denture fitting, we review your medical and oral health history. We ask questions about any allergies or sensitivities and discuss your treatment goals. 

The first phase of your denture journey is the best time to ask us questions about the next steps, including:

  • Which type of dentures are best for you
  • Pros and cons of each type of denture
  • Cost of treatment and financing options
  • Length of treatment
  • Potential risks and side effects
  • Recovery process
  • Adjusting to life with dentures

Depending on your needs, how many teeth you’re missing, and the state of your oral health, we might recommend cast partial dentures, complete dentures, partial dentures, implant-retained dentures, or flexible partial dentures.

After this initial consultation, we address existing oral health problems, such as gum disease, cavities, and tooth damage, to prepare your teeth and gums for dentures. Sometimes, we take X-rays of your mouth to gather even more information. 

If you opt for permanent or implant-retained dentures, you undergo dental implant surgery before being fitted for dentures. 

Once your oral health is up to snuff, we take measurements and impressions of your mouth, digitally scan it, and use those details to create your dentures. 

While we construct your dentures, you get a set of temporary or interim dentures to fill in the gaps in your smile. 

How do you create my dentures?

The Apex Studio difference comes down to how we make your dentures. Our specialists use an analog method instead of machines to design your dentures by hand. This approach allows us to create a more individualized and realistic look. 

But we don’t shy away from using advanced methods. Our specialists rely on cutting-edge products and technologies, including Ivoclar Vivadent, Diamond-D®, and Image APN, to ensure you get the best look and feel. 

Once you have your dentures, we give you tips on taking care of them and offer services like denture repairs and denture relines to keep them in tip-top shape. 

How can I get started?

Living with multiple missing teeth is both a health hazard and an embarrassing cosmetic flaw. That’s why we make it as easy as possible to get started by offering next- and same-day appointments, accepting numerous forms of insurance, and providing flexible payment programs. 

There’s no more reason to wait to replace your teeth. Call our friendly staff at 509-204-8305 or use our online booking tool to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve patients in the Yakima and Richland, Washington, areas.